Monday, March 12, 2007

A little something extra

As some of you may have known, my job comes with a little something 'extra' on the side : conference calls. Well basically since this 'new' (and by new i mean full of bugs and imperfections) system is used by all DHL sites worldwide, so we have to keep each other updated on the issues that we found on the system. So at least once a week (and by at least once a week i mean on average 3 times a week) we have a conference call. And what better time to have it first thing in the morning when you are still bright and full of energy.......... American time. Which means.... 9 pm Singapore time. =(

And even if I dial in at 9.00, nobody's there yet. They usually comes in at 9.03 to 9.05. But me being me, I always dial in 9.00 and listen to some waiting music until somebody else comes in. It reminded me of a TV ad in Indo.... it's A-Mild cigarette ad (they're famous for their creative ad). The ad shows one native American Indian riding a horse going to war. Then when he reached the front line, facing a whole lot of cowboys, he turns around and notice that his tribesmen are not there yet. Then the ad say "Why would you be on time if everybody else isn't?".... which is exactly how I feel about the conference calls.

Another bad thing about the calls.... since we come from 3 continents of the world, everyone has their own English accent. The Americans and the Brits are still ok, but no matter how hard I concentrate, I just don't understand a thing when the Indians start speaking. No offense, but it seems that it's not only me that doesn't understand. After the mumbling stops, what happens is that it will be quiet, and then the Americans will ask questions until we all understand what the hell is going on. And the worst thing is.... the IT guys are all Indians!

OK I think enough complaining for now. Going to bed now. Ciao.