Monday, December 25, 2006

Additional notes on NYC (1)

Hey..... as of now I am already in Houston with my brother and parents. Before I tell you all about Houston, there are some things that I haven't written about NYC.

First.. the food. One of the memorable one is the Swedish meatballs at Smorgas. They are very very good..... I've had swedish meatballs before (at IKEA), and they were also good, but it's nothing compared to this one. These ones are... fantastic hahaha.

The other thing that I forgot to mention is we went to the Serendipity 3 Cafe, which was made famous by the movie of the same name (starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale).... anyone remember that movie? Well, at least we tried to go there, but it was a very small place and there were lots of people queueing up outside just to get a seat, so in the end we decided that it was not worth it. Instead we went to Bloomingdale's which is just right across the street. But I didn't get anything there.

So..... yesterday before I flew to Houston, I managed to visit the UN complex. But strangely the flags were not erected on the poles, which I don't really know why, except that maybe because it was a Saturday.

Then we went for lunch nearby at a random chinese place that we chose, but the food there was not very good.

Afterwards was the flight to Houston. Actually I was a bit late going to the airport... my flight was at 4.30, but I only managed to get to the airport by 3.20. There were lots of people in the airport, but everything went smoothly and I managed to get to the plane on time. One interesting thing is during check-in time, I was just presented with a touch-screen machine and then I have to find my reservation myself and complete the check-in process myself. Afterwards the boarding pass will automatically be printed out, and then I finally get to interact with a human being for the baggage. Well, that's America for you.... everything is changing so rapidly.... the technology is being applied everywhere.

Today my brother decided to prepare a traditional Thanksgiving dinner menu, because my parents never had one. So we roasted a turkey, made some stuffings and roast potatoes. There's lots of things to be done, and it took quite some time, but it was good. It's actually quite fun to do it, but not everyday haha.

So I guess now that I'm Houston I don't really have much to do...... I mean Houston is not really a touristy place.... there's not really much attractions here. The city itself is big (the 4th biggest city in the US), everything is kinda mixed up together here, in the sense that you can have residential buildings right next to a factory. And the public transportation is not really good.. they don't even have a subway system. I don't know.... I haven't really see the downtown yet. Maybe I'll change my mind later. I mean, I'm a big city boy :)

Okie dokie, as of right now my parents AND my brother are all taking a nap, so I guess I'll just flick through some TV or read something.

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