Thursday, December 21, 2006

US Trip (1)

Here's the first part of (hopefully) my US trip blog haha. Anyway, first of all, the flight. I got lucky.... I got an aisle seat (the middle section), and there's nobody sitting beside me. But unfortunately now the armrest can't be pulled up because now the food tray is not at the back of the seat anymore, but it is inside the armrest. But still, I got a little extra room and one extra pillow haha. The flight itself is good (Singapore Airlines, of course). I managed to catch a few movies during the flight: Little Miss Sunshine, My Super Ex-Girlfriend, and The Last Holiday. All tree are just so-so, not very good. I also watched 6 episodes of Two and a Half Men... those are funny :) Maybe I will start downloading it once I got back.

Then after 18 hours I finally arrive in NY. No trouble during immigration, but my luggage was searched, probably because the stuff that I brought for my friend. Then I waited for the shuttle bus for about 20 minutes in the cold (well, not as cold as beijing, but still... the wind is quite strong here). Got to the hotel safely, then went for dinner with Marcos (my friend) and Felix (his high school friend who I haven't met before, but he's cool).

We didn't really know where to go, so we just kinda walked to the direction of Times Square. Then after passing by numerous restaurants, we decided to went in to "The Delta Grill". The food was very nice, and we had a bottle of wine. After dinner, Marcos (and I think Felix too) were a bit high already (probably because they didn't have as much 'training' as me hahaha). So anyways, we walked around the city and took some pictures. Which reminds me.... must post pictures as soon as possible. By the time we went back, it was already around 12.30. Then finally I took a shower, and passed out on the bed.

Oh, the hotel itself is very nice. It's called Roosevelt Hotel, and we got a free upgrade to a deluxe room, so there is 2 double bed. Very comfortable :)

This morning I was the first to woke up at around 8. That's probably because my body haven't really adjusted to the time yet. Then we had breakfast at a coffee shop near the hotel. Afterwards we went to Macy's (supposedly the largest store in the world). Today they are having a special "One Day Sale". Once I went inside, it keeps reminding me of MYER in Melbourne. The interior design and the way they put the things are just very very similar. I didn't buy anything there, cos the problem with SALEs are there are usually no more small or medium size. Then we had lunch at Pong Sri (thai food, apparently is Marcos' favorite place to eat at NY). After lunch we walked up and down 5th Avenue for shopping. We bought lots of things.... will post details later.

Dinner was at a place called "Smorgas". Good food, but the service there sucks. And now here I am, feeling really sleepy and writing this blog. So, I'll keep posting in the next few days, so keep your eyes open.

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