Monday, August 13, 2007

Overdue updates

Yes, I know.... guilty as charged.... I haven't been updating my blog for quite some time now.... well, actually that's because nothing exciting has happened lately, so even if I wrote something, it's just gonna be boring stuff.

I've been well, in case you're wondering. Life is pretty stable (i.e. boring) for the last few months. Work wise, it's still the same thing (the Jakarta thingy sort of died by itself.....)

Key events that has happened since my last entry:
1. My good friend Marcos came to town..... had a blast but at the same time spend quite a lot
2. Lost my camera at Ministry of Sound :(((
3. Celebrated my birthday by learning how to roller blade (not quite there yet, but not bad for 1st try)
4. Bought Harry Potter 7 on the launch day and read it in 2 days
5. Learned how to make rose origami and has been practising at the office

Lately I've come across some interesting blogs on the internet, so check them out if you need some laughter in your life..... --> a blog about a man's life in hello kitty hell. very entertaining but freaky at the same time --> a malaysian blogger who hails from kuching.... very funny, especially if you know a bit of singlish/hokkian. but still enjoyable even if you don't understand hokkian. i wish my blogging skills are as good as him haha.

What else can I write here? Hmmm.....let's see....

I've also somewhat expanded my group of friends here in Singapore.... but the funny thing is sometimes everyone can be busy or have their own plan at the same time, and I'm left all alone, pathetic and miserable haha.

Apart from all that, I spend most of my time playing Final Fantasy XII on Playstation 2 hahaha..... good deal, considering the game only cost Rp5,000 (about 60 cents US$) and it last for a long time (so far I've played around 70 hours and still have a lot more to go).

All righty then, time to do some work...... yes, people... I DO work.... :P

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