Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Random updates

Yes I have not been updating my blog for quite some time now….. primarily because of laziness haha. So now since I have absolutely nothing to do, here’s some updates…

Work-wise…. I have been bored to death these few days. Nothing much to do because it’s not the peak period of the system (submission deadline is every 15th of the month, so I’m only busy around 1 week after that). The only exciting thing happening was last week when I conducted a training for the Singapore users. There were around 40 people attending the session. Luckily everything went smoothly and there were nothing that I couldn’t handle. Then after that I asked my boss if I can travel around the region to conduct the training, but then she says “errm…. we don’t have any budget for that. Why don’t you just go around Singapore and familiarize yourself with the sites?”. Not really the ideal situation, but how can I say no? So here I am in one of the sites (warehouse). I’m supposed to stay here for 2 days, but I think I’ll skip tomorrow and go back to the office. It’s much much nearer and better than this site (it took me 1 hr 45 mins to go here this morning).

Oh, some exciting news related to work… the HR policies in the company has just been upgraded. Basically last year Exel was bought over by DHL, and now they become DHL Exel Supply Chain…. so they “harmonized” the HR policies. The most exciting point is that I get S$1,500 per year to be spent on dental, optical, specialist/outpatient treatment, insurance and…… gym membership! But the policy will only be effective 1st May, so I still got about 3 more weeks to get fat haha.
I also just got a new work laptop… a Dell Latitude D420…. it’s very small, compact and light, but the downside is that the screen is rather small (12” widescreen)….. maybe I just need some getting used to.

Social life-wise…. have been very active these past weeks. First of all my friend from Bandung (Christina/San2) came to Singapore to look for a job (she already find one now… prestigious company [Jones Lang La Salle], with office in the CBD, no less), and so we have been hanging out quite a lot. And then she introduced me to her friend, who brought along another friend, and the chain reaction goes on….
Also, Lorraine (my former classmate in Beijing) is here until next Tuesday, because her boyfriend is now working in Singapore for 3 months, and since she still haven’t found a job yet in HK, she decided to get the best out of the situation and come here for Easter holiday. We went out to Zouk last weekend, and planning to check out Ministry of Sound and St. James this coming long weekend. Yay! Haha..

Hmm…. what else to write? Oh yeah, accommodation-wise…. well, the last time I wrote an entry to this blog I haven’t even move in to the new place. But now I have lived there for more than a month. It’s a good place, just a tad expensive. Anyway, last time I mentioned that the other room is a Singaporean right? Well, not anymore… coz he “run away”. Long story, not really worth mentioning, so let’s just leave it at that. But the good thing is that his replacement now is a guy from the Philippines, and he is much friendlier and nicer, and around the same age with me and the china couple (the Singaporean was this 40+ weird guy who had problems with his wife, that’s why he moved here).
Anyway, this new guy’s name is Aldwin, and works in a software company. He also travels around the region quite often. And he is a self-proclaimed party boy haha. So I think we’ll become buddies in no time.
But another thing is that now San2 (not Beijing San2, but my friend that I just mentioned earlier) has found a job and she’s still staying with her friend. So she asked me if I want to find a place to share. I don’t mind as long as it’s cheaper than my current place. So we are in the process of apartment hunting now.

It’s now officially 1.25pm, which means I still have another 3 ½ hours to kill….. I think I’ll just go back around 3pm, pop into the office for a while to check email. Till next time then….

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