Friday, October 21, 2005

Blah Blah blah

Hey all.... sorry haven't been updating for so long.... been busy with assignments :( Not quite at the finish line yet, but the worst part's over haha.....

Nothing worth mentioning has happened to me in the last weeks, so not really sure what to write here.
I bought MONK season 1 on DVD last week.... totally hooked on that show now..... now I understand why he won the Emmy. For those of you who never see it, I really recommend this show :)

So, I think that's all the update I have on this section. Check out the music review page for Australian Idol updates.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Flower pictures

This afternoon I got really bored and don't know what to do.... well, at first I wanted to go swimming, but my legs are still a bit sore... not sure why, probably cos I did 2 Bodycombat class last week instead of 1. Anyway so I decided to take a walk on the park near my place, and wow, spring is really here.... the flowers are just so beautiful..... here's 4 of the best shots I take. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Most liveable city? I think not....

Arrrrghhhh.... so boring!!!! Nothing to do at all!!!

A few years back Melbourne is voted as one of the most liveable city in the world..... well, I totally disagree with that.... weekend here is SO SO boring.... (loud sigh) :(((

Friday, September 30, 2005

Lost season 2

I just finished watching Lost season 2 episode 2.... and WOW.... it is soooo gooood!!! Oh my God.... it's just keeps getting better and better. I think by next week we should know what really happened...

Let me just tell you what my theory is, and we'll see next week if I'm right haha.... I think all of this have got something to do with time travel. I think that the passangers in the front of the plane also survived, but somehow they all got transported to the past, and therefore they have been on the island for 20 years. They're "the others" and they are the ones that send the signal (numbers). I don't have any theory why this happened and why they want 'the boy' though....

Can't wait for next week!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Tulip Festival

Yesterday me and my friends went to the Tulip Festival in Silvan, Victoria. It's about 1 hour's drive from Melbourne. The interesting story is that the stupid Budget car rental give me a manual car when I've asked them for auto. Well, I DO know how to drive a manual, but it's been such a long time, and for the first 5 minutes I did the frog dance with the car haha.

The festival was wonderful. I've never seen so much tulips in my life. There are a lot, a lot, a lot of different kinds of tulips.

From there, we went on to the Mt. Dandenong area cos it's nearby and we have the car for the whole day. Now this is not a good experience. It is such crap haha. First we went to the highest point where you can see Melbourne city from afar. We need to pay $4 each car for the entrance. Let me tell, you, it is not worth it. There's nothing there. After that we walked about 20 minutes along a muddy path to "Sherbrook Falls"..... and it was very very disappointing. Well, it shouldn't be called "falls".... probably "creek" or "very tiny river" would be more fitting haha.

Here's some photos from the tulip festival.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Profit or Loss?

I have some good news and bad news today....

Well, today started out with me watching "Robots" on DVD. And it was really good.... I really enjoyed it.... Robin Williams is just hilarious :D After lunch, I found out that my pay from RMIT (for a one time gig that I had last month) was actually taxable.... so instead of A$360, I only get A$277 after tax. That's the bad news.

Now comes the good parts. Today Rebel Sports is having a one day only 20% discount storewide. I was quite bummed at first because as you all know, I've just spent A$95 there on Sunday. So I decided to go there and just take a look (you know I'm a junkie for SALE haha). Well, while I was there, I suddenly have a brilliant idea (cue lightbulb flashing). I couldn't return what I bought on Sunday because I already wear it, but I remember that I still keep the receipt (it's a lucky thing for me cos normaly I would have thrown out the receipt). So what I did was I bought exactly the same items for A$95 less 20%. And then I went home, get the original (Sunday) receipt, and return to the store, and return what I've just bought 30 minutes ago with the original receipt. And I get my A$95 back. So in total, I only fork out A$72. Haha... pretty smart eh? And I was quite proud of myself today because I didn't get anything else, altough it's already on discount. Well, I did had my eyes on a training gloves and I did try out a couple of shoes on, but in the end, I didn't buy anything. So yay!!!

On another note, the theme for this Sunday's Australian Idol is the 60's and they all sound pretty good on rehearsals. The song choices that I remember:
The good ones : Emily will be singing singing Aretha's R-E-S-P-E-C-T, and Daniel Spillane singing James Brown's "I Feel Good".
The bad ones : Roxane singing "You Can't Hurry Love" (back to annoying voice), and Dan singing "Unchained Melody" (but I think a lot of people will say he do a good job). I don't know, I just don't like Dan that much.
The rest : either I don't know the song or I don't really care haha.

Ok then, time to take a shower now. Stefan.... out.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Mixed feelings day

Today's resolution : learn how to dance. Oh my God, I feel like the most uncoordinated person today.

Let's start from the beginning. Today is a pretty gloomy day, weather-wise. Actually it's expected to be cloudy with showers all this week. But I'm quite used to it anyway. Anyway, so after lunch I went to the computer lab, and I finally finish 2 of my assignments today. Quite happy with that :)
After that I went to the gym and had not such an enjoyable time today. As I mentioned in the previous posting, I'm trying Bodyjam today. It's a dance class. The music was good, I like it, BUT today I just discovered that I'm really pathetic when it comes to hip hop and RnB dancing. I've tried ballroom dancing a few times before, and I think I did OK. But today, wow..... I was really embarassed by myself. And all the people in the room seems to be doing better than me, including my fellow newbies. Well, probably it's because the instructor didn't actually teach you how to do it, he just jump straight into it. And the tracks that he's chosen.... it's just crazy. One example : Beyonce's "Crazy In Love". How the hell did he expect me to shake my booty like in the video? Arrrrgh, it's just so embarassing. Good thing I'm quite thick skinned haha.

So after Bodyjam, I didn't feel that I have enough workout today, and so I stayed on for RPM (cycle) class. I've tried the class last week and the instructor (Keith) was great. But today is the launch of the new RPM (every 3 months they change the music), and I wasn't quite sure why every time there's a launch there are 2 instructors there. I think the other instructor may be from Les MIlls, which is the company that manages all these classes. Anyway, the other instructor is an old guy called Michael, and he really sucks. He was not a really talkative guy... most of the time he didn't say anything. And he like to come near you and increase your load, for no particular reason. Anyway, lucky he just take the first half of the class, and then it's back to Keith.

One other thing that annoys the hell out of me today is that in the RPM class, when I came in, it's still pretty empty, so I just choose a bike in the 3rd row, cos I don't want to be in the 1st row (no room for slack cos the instructor can see you). Well... after the class has started for about 5 minutes, suddenly a HUGE aussie bloke step in and take the bike directly in front of me! And so during the class all I can see is his HUGE butt and back. And there's another thing... he was sweating like crazy. You can really see the floor under him got wet. And I mean wet. So overall it was not a really good day at the gym today.

That's my story of the day. Please visit my other page (the music review section) for updates on australian idol :)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

SA (Shopaholic Anonymous)

Hi. My name is Stefanus and I'm a shopaholic. Today I spent A$120, mostly for things that I don't really need.

Let me tell you what happened. Today I decided to go swimming, as I usually do every Sunday. After I get out of the house, while walking to the tram stop, I feel that something's not right. And then I remember that I forgot to bring my goggles. So I came back to my apartment to look for it. But I couldn't find it, and suddenly I remember that maybe I left them in the swimming pool last week. So I asked the reception guy in the pool if he found any googles. But he didn't. So my first spending today is to buy a new pair of goggles, which cost me A$25. And it's not even a good one.... just basic goggles which probably won't last long :(

After the swim, I went to Rebel Sports (a shop which sells sporting equipments and clothing). I went there because I wanted to get a pair of trackpants (you know, those pants that you wear for sports). I wanted to get one because I only have shorts to go to the gym. And tomorrow I want to try a new class called "Bodyjam". It's like a dance class, but in the gym. And I've noticed that nobody in the class wears shorts (probably because it looks ridiculous dancing in shorts). Anyway, so I went to the store and browse around. I kinda knew that it would be difficult to find one because it will be too long for me. So after browsing, and browsing, and browsing.... I finally found a nice black one with white stripes by Adidas. It's not actually a trackpants... it's a knee-length shorts. But when I wear it, it become like a bermuda (slightly longer than the knee). So I decided to take it. It is A$35. So by now you are probably wondering what else did I buy that cost A$60? Well, I'm actually amazed by myself today...... believe it or not, it's a T-shirt.

The t-shirt is by Puma, and it is olive green in colour (see picture #1). I really really don't need it actually, but when I try it on... damn I look good :) And the material is not the normal cotton.... it's like a soccer jersey material. You know, the one that absorbs sweat quickly. And the funny thing is the tags that comes along with the T (see other pictures). They are so funny haha.

So I have a mixed feeling now..... on one hand I am really excited by the T shirt, but on the other hand... why? Why am I such a shopaholic? Help me!!! Quick, somebody grab me before I spend another dollar today!
Remember Pink's "Don't Let Me Get Me"? Well, that's exactly what I'm feeling right now...... "I'm a hazard to myself.... don't let me get me..... don't wanna be my friend no more....."

OK so now I'm off to try my new recipe.... tuna kimchi fried rice.... hopefully it will be a success :)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

wednesday 7th sept

OK, so finally, i get my own blog space. Well, I must warn you all that I'm not much of a writer/blogger; I prefer to talk about things, because then I can add the sound effects (if you know what i mean haha).

Anyway, I think I'll just start with telling what happened today. Oh, before that, if you want to know more about me, you can visit my friendster page (username : stev4n). I just don't feel the need to repeat what's there here.

OK, today starts out as any other ordinary day... woke up around 8.30am, then I watch a DVD I rent from the gym. It's called "Bachelorman". I've never heard of this movie before, but the synopsis at the back of the DVD was quite interesting, so I figure why not? Well, I think the movie is a really entertaining movie for me..... it doesn't really have any famous movie stars in it, but I find it really funny. The story is about this guy who consider himself Bachelorman.... basically he is famous for his ability to get any woman he wants. And now he gets a new neighbour (a woman), and every night he can hear her having wild sex.... but it turns out that the woman was just "entertaining" her client over the phone. She gets paid for talking dirty over the phone with her "clients". So bachelorman was attracted to this girl, but she rejected him. For the rest of the story.... just watch the movie (or you can call me if you want haha). Anyway, one of the most memorable lines from the movie is "Let's do some maths. Add you and me together, substract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply" =D

After watching the movie, I get the daily phone call from my friend, Marcos, who is now in MIT. After that I cook some lunch (minced pork with pasta sauce.... yummy). After lunch I went to school to work on one of my assignments. I'm really proud of myself today..... I actually progressing quite a lot. An interesting story in the computer lab.... when I arrive, it was quite empty, so I just choose one workstation. And when I was working peacefully in the computer lab, suddenly a bunch of girls came and "surround" me, using all the other computers beside me. And boy, they are really LOUD.... cos they are doing their group assignment, so they talk and talk and talk.... not necessarily about the assignment..... they were just chatting. Arrrgh.... I was quite angry with them. I looked at them a few times to indicate my "uncomfortable-ness" (if there is such a word), but they just don't care. But anyway I tried really hard to concentrate, and thank GOD for iPod haha.

At 4pm I went to the gym. Today is "Bodycombat" day. The instructor was, of course, Teresa... the best instructor I ever had haha. The class was really full..... half of them is new people (cos this is a new branch)... I think we will have less people next week. It was good session..... I was drenched in sweat afterwards, but it's all good :)

After gym I eat Hungry Jack's (whopper meal, upsize). I had to chomp it down in 10 minutes because I got a class at 6pm. So, after a rushed dinner, I went to class..... I was expecting the class to last at least until 8, but turns out that we finish at 7pm. After the class, I was stilll feeling energetic, so I went to the computer lab (again) to continue with my assignment until 8 pm. After that I went home and here I am writing this blog.

Oh, btw, on my way home (in the tram), I met my old high school friend, Marcel (Acel), and turns out that he lives nearby to me. If I heard him correctly, he is taking a master's degree in cookery (???). Anyway, apart from his fierce look (pierced ear, lips, and god knows where...), he is still the same nice guy I knew.

OMG, I can't believe I just wrote all that. Hmm..... not bad for a first time huh?
OK then, feel free to comment about this blog or about me in general. See you all in the next posting. Ciao.