Wednesday, September 07, 2005

wednesday 7th sept

OK, so finally, i get my own blog space. Well, I must warn you all that I'm not much of a writer/blogger; I prefer to talk about things, because then I can add the sound effects (if you know what i mean haha).

Anyway, I think I'll just start with telling what happened today. Oh, before that, if you want to know more about me, you can visit my friendster page (username : stev4n). I just don't feel the need to repeat what's there here.

OK, today starts out as any other ordinary day... woke up around 8.30am, then I watch a DVD I rent from the gym. It's called "Bachelorman". I've never heard of this movie before, but the synopsis at the back of the DVD was quite interesting, so I figure why not? Well, I think the movie is a really entertaining movie for me..... it doesn't really have any famous movie stars in it, but I find it really funny. The story is about this guy who consider himself Bachelorman.... basically he is famous for his ability to get any woman he wants. And now he gets a new neighbour (a woman), and every night he can hear her having wild sex.... but it turns out that the woman was just "entertaining" her client over the phone. She gets paid for talking dirty over the phone with her "clients". So bachelorman was attracted to this girl, but she rejected him. For the rest of the story.... just watch the movie (or you can call me if you want haha). Anyway, one of the most memorable lines from the movie is "Let's do some maths. Add you and me together, substract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply" =D

After watching the movie, I get the daily phone call from my friend, Marcos, who is now in MIT. After that I cook some lunch (minced pork with pasta sauce.... yummy). After lunch I went to school to work on one of my assignments. I'm really proud of myself today..... I actually progressing quite a lot. An interesting story in the computer lab.... when I arrive, it was quite empty, so I just choose one workstation. And when I was working peacefully in the computer lab, suddenly a bunch of girls came and "surround" me, using all the other computers beside me. And boy, they are really LOUD.... cos they are doing their group assignment, so they talk and talk and talk.... not necessarily about the assignment..... they were just chatting. Arrrgh.... I was quite angry with them. I looked at them a few times to indicate my "uncomfortable-ness" (if there is such a word), but they just don't care. But anyway I tried really hard to concentrate, and thank GOD for iPod haha.

At 4pm I went to the gym. Today is "Bodycombat" day. The instructor was, of course, Teresa... the best instructor I ever had haha. The class was really full..... half of them is new people (cos this is a new branch)... I think we will have less people next week. It was good session..... I was drenched in sweat afterwards, but it's all good :)

After gym I eat Hungry Jack's (whopper meal, upsize). I had to chomp it down in 10 minutes because I got a class at 6pm. So, after a rushed dinner, I went to class..... I was expecting the class to last at least until 8, but turns out that we finish at 7pm. After the class, I was stilll feeling energetic, so I went to the computer lab (again) to continue with my assignment until 8 pm. After that I went home and here I am writing this blog.

Oh, btw, on my way home (in the tram), I met my old high school friend, Marcel (Acel), and turns out that he lives nearby to me. If I heard him correctly, he is taking a master's degree in cookery (???). Anyway, apart from his fierce look (pierced ear, lips, and god knows where...), he is still the same nice guy I knew.

OMG, I can't believe I just wrote all that. Hmm..... not bad for a first time huh?
OK then, feel free to comment about this blog or about me in general. See you all in the next posting. Ciao.

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