Saturday, September 30, 2006

first assignment

Hey.... this is my first assignment for this semester..... for those of you who can't read chinese characters, basicallly the topic is "my hobby".



Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Banquet movie review

Today I went to Wangfujing (something like the Orchard Rd of Beijing) to watch the new movie "The Banquet". It is a chinese movie, starring Zhang Zi Yi (and some other actors and actresses that I don't know). At first me and my friends are just too confident, and we were going to watch the movie even tough it's all in chinese. But fortunately, they do have english subtitles :)

Anyway, I think it is a good movie. The story is old times china, emperors and empresses, fighting, treachery, poison.... all the usual stuff. The makers of this movie really went all out for the setting..... I am really impressed with the locations, and the palace, and the ENORMOUS bathtub haha. The fighting is also very good.

The only bad thing about this movie is that the pace is sooo slow. They all speak very slowly, like they are learning chinese. But still, the words they are using are not practical and not for daily use. Even my friend who is in E class said that he wouldn't understand if there was no subtitles.

Overall, I give this movie 3 out of 5, because of the slowness. Otherwise it would be 4 out of 5.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Craziest night of my life

Actually, this story is a little embarassing to tell, but hey, whatever....

Last Saturday, I went out with Tzan, Ricky and Lorraine to a club called Suzie Wong's. Over there we met up with Tzan's friends. I've been here once last semester when Andrej (my former classmate) was leaving China. It was fine at first.... we ordered a bottle of Chivas 12 yrs, and some green tea to mix it with. After we finished the first bottle, I was feeling a bit high already, but I was still fine, just a bit tipsy.... then they ordered a 2nd bottle, and I remember me saying "What? Another bottle? Shit!!!"

And then we went to the dance floor, and suddenly I don't remember what happened next. Until now, I can only remember bits and pieces.... so it was dance floor - blank - Lorraine saying goodbye - blank - me sitting in a cab (front seat), opening the window and threw up - cab stopping - blank - me throwing up some more in my toilet with tzan and ricky helping me - me putting the 'do not disturb' sign on the door, closing the curtain, and go to bed.

The next day I woke up around 10am, and I found my shirt and jeans on the floor. Then I met up with Tzan for lunch, and finally I know what really happened. So, what really happened was : they didn't even realize that I was gone.... they said that I looked and acted fine.... I just stand there, drinking some more, and I can still talk normally. Then around 2.30 Ricky wanted to go home. Tzan said that at first he still want to stay, but I talked to him, and finally the 3 of us went home together. I was the one who choose the cab, sit in front and tell the taxi driver where to go. I swear I don't remember a thing about this. Then in the middle of the journey, suddenly I opened the window and threw up. That's the point when they realize that I was drunk. And then, some more amazing thing happened.... when we got to our place and the taxi stopped, they settle the cab fare.... and the driver asked them to wipe some of my puke that landed on the door. So while they were wiping and arguing with the driver, they said that suddenly I was gone.... I left them and walked all the way to my room by myself. Amazing, huh?? I don't remember a thing about getting out of the cab and walking home. Then later they went to my room and I opened the door for them.... then I threw up in my toilet. After that, I said I was fine, and finally they left me to sleep.

Until now, I still can't believe this happened to me!! I mean, me! I'm supposed to have a naturally high tolerance for alcohol.... I NEVER EVER got drunk before. On some occasions I've had one too many drinks, but I can still remember what happened. Now it's just..... BLANK.

So there you go..... I think definitely the craziest night of my life. I guess this is just one of those things that you just have to go through/experience at least once in your life :P

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Should I? Should I not?

Well, that seems to be the theme for today..... it first started when class ended and it was lunchtime. As usual, Epun called me, and that's the first options that I have to make today. Should I take his call or not? In the end, I decided to do my good deed of the day and picked up the phone, and as expected, he joined us for lunch. Actually, he didn't say or do anything, but his presence is just annoying.

The second dilemma came at badminton time. There's this new guy.... Rey brought him to play badminton with us. His real name is Tommy, but we call him King Kong (behind his back, of course). His badminton skill is waaaay above us, and he plays very hard, without mercy, lots of smashes and running around. So the question is: should we keep him in our group? After some discussion about the issue, it turns out that the others also feel uncomfortable playing with him. So.... Marvin will talk to Rey and hopefully he will be gone by next week.
Actually..... interesting story about him.... he said that he studied politics in UNSW, Sydney. During his 3rd year, he wrote 'something' in his thesis that is deemed inappropriate.... and so he was kicked out. That's why he's here now. Well, I never really liked the way he talks too, so.... whatever.

Third issue was the trip to Badaling Great Wall with Fonny and her mom. Fonny was my uni friend, and she just came to Beijing last week with her mom to study at QingHua uni. I was the one who picked them up from the airport and helped her through registration etc. Now she wanted to go to the Great Wall, and they wanted to join a local tour for a day trip there. I asked my friends to come but they all are busy this weekend, so if I go, it will only be me, Fonny, and her mom. So in the end I decided to not join them, and probably go with my friends next week, because what matters is who you go with, not where you go (trust me, I have had some bad experiences.....)

Now, last and most important issue that I still haven't decide what to do. During dinner, inevitably Epun joined us. Actually, I swear it's just like dejavu, cos now (after the summer holiday) he's back to bothering us again! So during dinner I accidentally blurt out about the possibility of Great Wall trip, and also what we are going to do during the one week break in October. And as usual he's like "Wherever you go, I go with you". And he emphasize it over and over again, like "don't forget to contact me" or "i haven't go to there either". Now I feel like a walking time bomb..... I can blow anytime now. I mean, for God's sake, how dumb can you be?? If ALL your friends are not picking up your call (not just once, twice, but everyday), it means that they don't like you and they want you to stop bothering them, you dumbass!!!! Do I really have to spell it out for you? I swear, sometimes I just want to scream at him in front of everyone else. Other times I just want to staple things to his head. Gosh.... what did I do to deserve this??? I know I'm a sinner, but is it really that bad that I have to go through this?
So, the final dilemma is : "Should I tell him that I don't like him and want him out of my life, cut him off, and end our friendship (well, it never really started, but that's not the point)?". I mean, I don't really need him in my life. But I fear that my other friends might not like this and see me as a mean person. Really, just how good and patient should I be?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

New semester, new class

Yup, I'm now officially in C class.... more specifically, C19. On the first day as usual I came quite early and like previous semester, went to help the teacher to take the books. The first classmate that I met was a Korean girl.... her name is Ricky (chinese name : Jin Min Cheng). She's very friendly, and very conversant in chinese. Turns out that she studied broadcasting before, so she also has a very good command of English.

During these 3 days, some of my classmates come and go, cause we're still allowed to change class. Up to now, the statistics is:
Indons : Adel, Kristin, Grace, and me
Malaysia : Lorraine and the class clown Yong Tzan (can't believe we're classmates again). He wasn't supposed to be in my class but he moved as soon as he heard that there's 13 girls and only 3 guys hahaha.
Korean : Ricky and 1 other girl
3 Jap girls
1 Brit guy, 1 Aussie farm boy, 1 Italian chick (Alesia), 1 Philippines dude (Brad, who is actually a chef!), 2 Romanian girls, 2 Kazaksthani (Dinara and orange head chick).

So far it's been good..... much more advanced chinese than before, but everybody's seems to be coping well. But I find that the pace is quite slow.... but I'm glad that I'm not taking intensive course anymore, cos now I have more time to do other things (such as taking a nap hahaha). But seriously, I've joined the gym, and I went there just now. Quite a small place, but better than nothing.

All righty then.... I'll keep y'all posted with interesting things that happen in class :)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Beijing Stories - first week

Hey hey hey..... I'm back!!! Don't know why but suddenly i just feel the need to start writing my blog again.... well, probably cos I have nothing to do and I have lots of stories and reviews to tell haha. So here we go....

I've been back to Beijing for about a week now. Lots of things have been happening in this week. Met some old friends (good ones and annoying ones), and met some new ones as well. This morning was the placement test for the new class. Since I'm taking regular course now, so the test is quite different from last time. Basically they give the han zi (chinese characters) and I'm supposed to write the pin yin. I knew about this from my friends before the test, but they told me that I don't need to write the sheng diao. But surprise surprise, this morning the teacher told me that I need to write the sheng diao!! So.... I made up most of them haha. But all in all, I think I should pass for C class. Let's just see tomorrow.

This afternoon I played badminton with the old gang, plus some new faces. Surprisingly Rey (my high school friend who just came here a few days ago) played quite well. I really enjoy playing badminton here. It's fun and it makes me healthy too haha.

Anyways, just now my parents called me, and they told me that they are planning to visit my brother this christmas, and they want me to come with them (yay!). But I don't think there's gonna be snow in Houston.... I'm really hoping that I can go to NY too. We'll see later.
One more thing that they said to me, which makes me laugh but quite angry at the same time. They told me "Don't get caught up by bad influences! Don't play mahjong too often! We don't want you to become a gambler! You've seen some real life examples of how gamblers end up!". On one hand, its kinda funny cos I only played occasionally and never with any bet. We just have nothing better to do, and I find it fun to play mahjong. But on the other hand I'm sooooo angry with them cos they really treat me like a little kid. I mean, for God's sake, I'm 26!! I know, and I can decide for myself, what is right and what is wrong. Gosh, this is one of the reasons that I don't really feel to tell them anything about my life anymore. They just don't get it, and always end up assuming the wrong things.

OK then, I think that's enough complaining for now haha. Now, on to the reviews.....