Thursday, September 14, 2006

Beijing Stories - first week

Hey hey hey..... I'm back!!! Don't know why but suddenly i just feel the need to start writing my blog again.... well, probably cos I have nothing to do and I have lots of stories and reviews to tell haha. So here we go....

I've been back to Beijing for about a week now. Lots of things have been happening in this week. Met some old friends (good ones and annoying ones), and met some new ones as well. This morning was the placement test for the new class. Since I'm taking regular course now, so the test is quite different from last time. Basically they give the han zi (chinese characters) and I'm supposed to write the pin yin. I knew about this from my friends before the test, but they told me that I don't need to write the sheng diao. But surprise surprise, this morning the teacher told me that I need to write the sheng diao!! So.... I made up most of them haha. But all in all, I think I should pass for C class. Let's just see tomorrow.

This afternoon I played badminton with the old gang, plus some new faces. Surprisingly Rey (my high school friend who just came here a few days ago) played quite well. I really enjoy playing badminton here. It's fun and it makes me healthy too haha.

Anyways, just now my parents called me, and they told me that they are planning to visit my brother this christmas, and they want me to come with them (yay!). But I don't think there's gonna be snow in Houston.... I'm really hoping that I can go to NY too. We'll see later.
One more thing that they said to me, which makes me laugh but quite angry at the same time. They told me "Don't get caught up by bad influences! Don't play mahjong too often! We don't want you to become a gambler! You've seen some real life examples of how gamblers end up!". On one hand, its kinda funny cos I only played occasionally and never with any bet. We just have nothing better to do, and I find it fun to play mahjong. But on the other hand I'm sooooo angry with them cos they really treat me like a little kid. I mean, for God's sake, I'm 26!! I know, and I can decide for myself, what is right and what is wrong. Gosh, this is one of the reasons that I don't really feel to tell them anything about my life anymore. They just don't get it, and always end up assuming the wrong things.

OK then, I think that's enough complaining for now haha. Now, on to the reviews.....

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