Monday, September 03, 2007

You Can't Stop The Beat

Just want to mention some good movies that I have watched lately....

Bourne Ultimatum - very good action packed movie. Good closure of the whole series. You know when people often say "this movie is not very good.... too much talking, too little action". Well, this one is exactly the opposite.... action all the way from start to finish.

Hairspray - love it! BIG in many ways... the hair, the stars, the music, John Travolta as Edna hahaha. I haven't watched the real musical on stage, so can't really compare, but I really enjoyed this version. If you don't smile after watching this, then something's really wrong with you :P

Ratatouille - another excellent offering from Pixar.... good image quality, good storyline too. Although, when you really think about it, the rats in the movie are more intelligent than the humans (they can understand what the humans say but not vice versa). But then again, you're not supposed to think about that.... just enjoy the movie as it is :)

Next stop....?? Well, nothing specific in mind, but hey, it's Singapore! There's ALWAYS a new movie in the cinemas every week :P.

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