Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Whirlwind Visit Back Home

Phew... now I'm safely back in Singapore after a lightning-fast visit back home. So here's a recap of what I managed to do:

Saturday, Sept 22
Took off quite early and landed at 9.30am Jakarta time. My parents and my brother and also his fiance all went to pick me up, because they had arranged to have dim sum lunch with the relatives in Jakarta. And also we had to pick up my brother's passport form the travel agent.
Not surprisingly, the traffic jam in Jakarta is as usual, bad. However, that day was a particularly crazy day, because it was a "Environmental/Car Free Day". So what the government did was close up some parts of the road for cars..... which only makes the cars go to other roads, which ultimately creates a total chaos. Now you can see for yourself how smart the Indonesian government is....
So finally we only managed to reach Bandung at around 6/7 pm. Didn't go out for dinner because my brother's fiance was quite sick.

Sunday, Sept 23
Today we did something quite out of the ordinary.... something touristy... we visited the Tangkuban Perahu mountain. It's a volcano just outside of the city (about 1 hour drive), and I think it's still active.

I actually don't remember when was the last time I went there. Must be in the 80s... haha. So it was kind of a nice experience. We went down the track to the crater (it's a moderately challenging track even if you're reasonably fit.... but no climbing or anything... just that there's no proper steps). Down at the crater you can actually see steam hissing, and some bubbling sulfur water. You can even cook an egg there if you want to (it takes approximately 10 minutes). Me and my brother even took a mud foot massage and dip our feet in the sulfur water natural pool.

In the evening we went to a restaurant called The Valley. A few years back it was "the IT place" in Bandung. It's up in the hills, so you can see the city lights from there. But now it's not as popular as before because there's much more dining options in the city.

Monday, Sept 24
First thing in the morning : go to the dentist. As usual I didn't have any problem with my teeth, just some regular cleaning up. After that I went to see some old high school friends who are available that day. Also went to buy some DVDs (a MUST thing to do.... US$0.50 for 1 disc!).

To be honest, I feel quite out of place when I'm talking to my old friends. The thing is..... all of them are doing business, and not working class people like me. So all they talk about is business, and I don't really understand nor interested in those things. Well, I'm glad I'm not staying in Bandung.... I don't think I'm really cut out to be a businessman. I'd rather try to enjoy my somewhat boring job here. Haha.

Tuesday, Sept 25
Well, my flight back to Singapore was at 5pm. BUT... that means that I have to be at the airport at 3pm. The bus ride from Bandung to Jakarta takes 3 hours, so I had to take the 12 noon bus. And from my home to the bus place takes about 30-45 minutes. So I left home at 11am. So there you go..... one day gone just to travel from Bandung - Singapore. Very inefficient huh?

So, that's that. Back to work now....

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