Thursday, September 21, 2006

Should I? Should I not?

Well, that seems to be the theme for today..... it first started when class ended and it was lunchtime. As usual, Epun called me, and that's the first options that I have to make today. Should I take his call or not? In the end, I decided to do my good deed of the day and picked up the phone, and as expected, he joined us for lunch. Actually, he didn't say or do anything, but his presence is just annoying.

The second dilemma came at badminton time. There's this new guy.... Rey brought him to play badminton with us. His real name is Tommy, but we call him King Kong (behind his back, of course). His badminton skill is waaaay above us, and he plays very hard, without mercy, lots of smashes and running around. So the question is: should we keep him in our group? After some discussion about the issue, it turns out that the others also feel uncomfortable playing with him. So.... Marvin will talk to Rey and hopefully he will be gone by next week.
Actually..... interesting story about him.... he said that he studied politics in UNSW, Sydney. During his 3rd year, he wrote 'something' in his thesis that is deemed inappropriate.... and so he was kicked out. That's why he's here now. Well, I never really liked the way he talks too, so.... whatever.

Third issue was the trip to Badaling Great Wall with Fonny and her mom. Fonny was my uni friend, and she just came to Beijing last week with her mom to study at QingHua uni. I was the one who picked them up from the airport and helped her through registration etc. Now she wanted to go to the Great Wall, and they wanted to join a local tour for a day trip there. I asked my friends to come but they all are busy this weekend, so if I go, it will only be me, Fonny, and her mom. So in the end I decided to not join them, and probably go with my friends next week, because what matters is who you go with, not where you go (trust me, I have had some bad experiences.....)

Now, last and most important issue that I still haven't decide what to do. During dinner, inevitably Epun joined us. Actually, I swear it's just like dejavu, cos now (after the summer holiday) he's back to bothering us again! So during dinner I accidentally blurt out about the possibility of Great Wall trip, and also what we are going to do during the one week break in October. And as usual he's like "Wherever you go, I go with you". And he emphasize it over and over again, like "don't forget to contact me" or "i haven't go to there either". Now I feel like a walking time bomb..... I can blow anytime now. I mean, for God's sake, how dumb can you be?? If ALL your friends are not picking up your call (not just once, twice, but everyday), it means that they don't like you and they want you to stop bothering them, you dumbass!!!! Do I really have to spell it out for you? I swear, sometimes I just want to scream at him in front of everyone else. Other times I just want to staple things to his head. Gosh.... what did I do to deserve this??? I know I'm a sinner, but is it really that bad that I have to go through this?
So, the final dilemma is : "Should I tell him that I don't like him and want him out of my life, cut him off, and end our friendship (well, it never really started, but that's not the point)?". I mean, I don't really need him in my life. But I fear that my other friends might not like this and see me as a mean person. Really, just how good and patient should I be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the issue with Tommy gets resolved. I'm glad to know that you enjoy playing badminton. Its a lot of fun! Good luck! :-)