Saturday, February 17, 2007

All soaked up....

In the spirit of Chinese New Year, I got myself something new and red...... an umbrella! Well I got it because on Friday, right when I stepped out of the office, it started raining a little. So i took out my trusty black umbrella and started walking towards the MRT station, which takes about 5 minutes walk. But then suddenly the rain just poured like there's no tomorrow.... plus strong winds. So my umbrella became parabolic, and I got all soaked up from top to toe. Plus.... that day I was wearing my moccasins (sole-less shoes), so bye2 to that too, cos it got drowned and now it's kinda wrinkled after i dried it.

Anyways..... I've officially been 'working' for 3 days now.... enjoying it so far..... nothing much to do in the first 3 days, because I only got my official email on the 3rd day. So for the past 3 days I've only read through A LOT of materials, try to understand it and try to familiarize myself with the system. I don't want to confuse you guys with work stuff here, so I'll just leave it at that.

Oh, and today is Chinese New Year's Eve. So..... 新年快乐!恭喜发财!年年有余,万事如意!For the benefit of you who don't read chinese, it means : Happy New Year, Congratulations and Prosperity, May You Have Surplus/Abundance every year, May Every Problem be Solved!

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