Friday, May 04, 2007

Stefan's newsletter

OK people, I’m back from the dead…. well, not literally, but I was very very sick for most part of last week. Fever, flu, sore throat, cough, blocked nose… the whole package. Not really sure how I got it, but I suspect it’s from one of my flatmates.

Anyway, I feel much better now, and already went out and about haha. I finally joined the gym again (Fitness First, of course) and yesterday I had my first BodyPump class again. The last one I had was back in December 2005 when I was still in Melbourne. The instructor yesterday was not half as fun as Teresa, and the sound system sucks. But I guess it’s better than nothing. Maybe I have to try other sessions at other branches until I find the good instructor haha.

Another exciting event….. last Monday me and some friends went out to see a comedy show by Kumar, Singapore’s most popular drag queen. I’ve watched his/her (?) show before a few years back (right before I left Singapore), but now he’s only performing Monday nights at Hard Rock Café. Since Tuesday was Labor Day, so I decided to gather some people and see the show.
It was a really funny show, but I think a lot of the jokes are very ‘local’, so if you have never lived in Singapore you won’t be laughing as hard as I did.

On other news…. tomorrow is shaping up to be a very busy day… I got badminton in the morning, and then apparently one of my high school friend has opened a café here in Singapore, so I will check it out with some old friends….. and then there’s a belated birthday celebration for another friend…. well, so far only the organizer is excited about it….. the other people are like “hmmm, I don’t know whether I’ll come or not, let’s just see how tomorrow”. So I got a feeling it’s not going to be a very good party.

Work-wise….. same old boring days…. just trying to get through each day. There’s this new thing coming up, called “First Choice”, and I have been automatically selected to be one of the team members.

Not really sure what I need to do in relation to this yet…. so far there’s only introduction meetings and brainstorming session, but nothing concrete yet. So, hopefully I’ll get to do more things.

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