Friday, December 22, 2006

NYC - Day 3 (Determination of Jamba)

We wanted to start the day early, but as expected by the time we were ready it was already around 9.30. So first we took the subway to have dim sum at Chinatown. Afterwards we went for the "must-do, must-see" thing for tourist : Liberty Island. Overall, the trip was good because the weather was very nice and sunny. The only downside to the trip was the long queue, probably because of the numerous security checks where they ask you to take off lots of things, including belts and scarves. After Liberty it was off to Ellis Island as the ferry stops there too. Marcos had NO interest at all towards Liberty, but he really really wanted to go to Ellis Island, because it was featured in the movie "Hitch". But when we got there, turns out that we can only go to the museum and nowhere else on the tiny island. Well, we (me and Felix) kinda expected that but Marcos didn't believe us haha. Anyway, in the end we were right.

After Ellis, took the subway back to the Chinatown area for a very late lunch (well, dinner). Ate the usual roast pork/bbq pork/roast duck combo plus fried rice and some kind of noodle. The food was good and cheap (for US standard).

Next stop.... SOHO. We walked along Chinatown to SOHO, because it was quite near. It's an area that reminds me of Chapel St in Melbourne, but much much bigger. Rather than just a street, it's actually quite big, covering a few blocks. Over there, I bought 2 pants... the first was DKNY (how appropriate, buying DKNY in NY). Of course, it was on SALE, otherwise I would not have bought it. The other pair was from GUESS.... very cheap because it was also on SALE haha.
Then a little bit later, Marcos started to lose his spirit because he haven't had Jamba Juice for the whole day. So we asked if there is any juice place nearby. Then the salesgirl said yes, but the directions were not very clear. So we got a little lost for quite a while, but with determination, everything can be found. In the end, we found the Jamba Juice place, and immediately after Jamba, Marcos is back!!!

Anyways, will continue later because I need to take a shower now. See ya.

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