Saturday, December 23, 2006

NYC Day 4 (Stefan and The Producers)

The day started with Marcos finally agreeing to go to the World Trade Centre site. Actually you can't really see anything there, just some memorial photos. They are doing construction on the site, but nothing visible yet :(

Afterwards we went for lunch at Little Italy.... yummy! Quite authentic.... I guess in NYC you can get any food you want....

What's the next must-do thing on the list? What else but watch a Broadway show!! So after lunch we queued up for the discounted tickets. At first we wanted to watch RENT, but Felix say he watched the movie and it's quite boring. The next option was Tarzan, but there wasn't any discounted tickets. So in the end we settled for "The Producers". I didn't really have any expectations, because I didn't really know anything about the storyline or anything. All I know that it has been made into a movie before, and I've heard about it before.
Turns out that it starred Tony Danza and Roger Bart (you might remember him from Desperate Housewives.... the crazy pharmacist George Williams). The performances were terrific, and the storyline was also very good.... I really enjoyed the show, but unfortunately I was feeling quite sick (signs of flu) yesterday, probably because it was raining yesterday afternoon. So I was very very sleepy during the show. I even doze off for a few times during the show haha.

Oh btw before the show we had dinner at...... where else but Pong Sri hahaha.

Anyways, I gotta pack for Houston now. Till next time!

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