Sunday, December 31, 2006

Yeee haww!

Today we decided to do something most people would associate Texas with.... a visit to the good ol' fashioned cowboy ranch, y'all know what I'm sayin?

Sadly, the weather today is not really the perfect weather to there, cos it had been showering during the night, so it's still wet and muddy everywhere. And it's still pretty cloudy. Nevertheless, we decided to go rather than stay at home and watch the food channel (again). Oh I forgot to mention that my brother is obsessed with cooking since probably about 4 years ago, and nowadays all he watch on tv is the food channel. It's kinda funny cos when we were little, I was always the one who watches mom cooks in the kitchen, and he never had any interest in cooking at all. At some period of time, he even ordered me to make him instant noodle if he wanted it. I guess people change. Let's just hope it's for the better.

Anyways, the ranch is called George Ranch Historical Park, and located about 40 minutes drive from Houston. When we got there, the parking lot was empty, there were just 1 or 2 other cars there. So I got a pretty bad feeling about it. After we got in and took the tour, well, my intuition was right. To me, it's a pretty run down ranch.... nothing much to see. The highlight of the tour was probably the house that the famiy lived in in the 1800s. It's a beautiful house, very Victorian style. Other than that, there was a small hut with a fireplace, a blacksmith (which is naturally dirty.... not really my kind of place). I was expecting like a cowboy show or something, but nothing like that.

So after a little while my parents started to get bored and hungry, so we went for a Texas kind of lunch..... BBQ!!! The place is called Swinging Doors in Richmond, Texas. Apparently it's a pretty famous BBQ place. It's been there since 1973, and they even sell T-shirts and their own special BBQ sauce. The food was good, especially the potato salad and coleslaw. But.... the other day my brother took us to another BBQ place near his place, and I like the pork ribs there better.

As usual, now everybody's taking a nap, so I'm gonna listen to some chinese songs to brush up on my mandarin hahaha.

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