Saturday, December 09, 2006

Goodbye Beijing

Yes, after not writing for soooo long, so many things have happened, but nothing really interesting to mention here. Anyways, now my study here is finished, and next Saturday I will be leaving Beijing (China) for good.

Actually, exams already finished by last week and I have been doing practically nothing since then haha. Oh yeah, by the way, I got the highest score in class (again) for 综合 and 听力 class. Nothing to be really proud of, cos b4 the exam I've already got some tips from my friends who have been studying here before.

Some of my friends already left during these few days..... miss you all :(

So, what exactly have I learnt during my stay here? I really feel that I've grown in so many ways.... not only did my Chinese level improve tremendously, but I also met lots of interesting people, and made lots of friends (and some not so friendly ones haha) along the way. Had lots of new experiences, did some crazy things here and there..... but I think that my time is done here. I've done everything that need to be done, and I'm ready to move on.

Next stop..... reality. But thankfully I'm still gonna have one last excuse to take a break..... I will be going to New York and Houston on Dec 19, and spending Christmas and New Year there with my family. I will finally meet my future sister-in-law.

Oh, yesterday I downloaded the new All Saints album, and as I was hearing the songs, I don't know why, but they lyrics are so appropriate for my situation right now. In the song 'Scar', there was 'long are the days and lonely are the nights', which reflects my current situation. And then, in the song 'Rock Steady', they sang 'I got my bags packed baby and I'm ready to go, look at my eyes rock steady and I promise you more'. Hahaha.... what a coincidence.

OK then, that's about all that I want to say for now. I guess now that I have lots of free time I will try to post more often. Ciao.

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