Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Hey, just want to give a quick update about my life right now....

I've just come back from an interview.... my first interview since I started looking for a job here. The company is DHL (for those of you who doesn't know what/who DHL is...... you've got to be kidding!! Hahaha). Actually, the way I got this interview is a little too much coincidence.

As you know, I've been joining a badminton group ever since I got back here. Now, the group has a mailing list, called SaBat (Saturday Badminton). Most of the content are junk, but then one day there is this one e-mail from a "Lily Suryana". It was a job ad, looking for Operation Analyst in DHL. She is the Global Metrics Manager in DHL. After I read the e-mail, well, it can be considered to be a perfect job for me! So I did some asking around, and turns out that she's the same age as me, and she was "the no.1" student when she graduated from high school. Moreover, she is one of my friend's ex. She did play badminton with the group before (when I was in Australia, I guess), but nowadays she doesn't go play that often anymore.

So I applied for the job, eventhough she was looking for someone with a Business/Logistics degree with at least 2 years experience. Yeah, whatever. Anyhow I send the application, and suddenly last Sunday I received an e-mail from her at 7.52am, calling me for interview. So I replied, and within the hour she replied back to me.

The interview itself went well according to my opinion. We conversed in English all the way.... it didn't feel awkward at all. Her English is good with just a slight Indo accent..... no singlish accent at all. I should be hearing from her by next week.

So I was thinking to myself.... IF I didn't go to China last year, and immediately applied for a job after my Master's degree, then I'd probably end up in a different company and not interested in this job. And I only started playing badminton while I was in China, so IF I didn't go.... I'd most probably wouldn't join the badminton group, and wouldn't know about this opportunity at all!! Isn't it strange? A little bit too much coincidence??

Well anyway, fingers crossed... I really hope I can get this job...... it can be my break into the logistics industry and the beginning of my career (my last job doesn't really count as a career). Till next week.....

Monday, January 15, 2007


So, I have been here for slightly more than a week now, and what have I been doing everyday? NOTHING!! I know... it's only been a week, but I'm starting to feel the nothingness on my days and nights. Plus the weather has not been supportive at all..... it ahs been raining everyday since I came. Sometimes BIG BIG thunderstorms, sometimes it's just a drizzle, but it's still rain.

I try to keep myself busy.... sometimes I go to the library just to read some random books about engineering or management.... other times it's a novel...I finished reading "South of the Border, West of the Sun" by Haruki Murakami in 2 days. Interesting, but not as good as "Norwegian Wood".

I also have been exercising regularly..... badminton on saturdays, go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week.

Oh, one more thing..... surprisingly I have given up on TV for 1 whole week.... and I don't even download anything (well, I try, but somehow the connection is very very slow, probably because of the Taiwan earthquake OR one of my housemates is downloading something BIG). Oh I forgot to mention that until now I'm still crashing at my friend's room, because the original plan to rent a flat with my other friend failed..... long story, but now it seems that I may have to share this room till end of Feb, and then there will be this one guy who will go to Wuxi, China for 1 year, so I'll be taking his room. I really don't mind just renting a room outside by myself, but the problem is I still don't know where I'll be working, so it's best to delay this for as long as possible.

Hmm.... everything's still kinda blurry right now..... I've been sending out applications like crazy, but so far nobody called me yet, except for 1 recruitment agency that recommended me to be a Sales Engineer in an industrial HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) company. I don't know.... I mean, it wouldn't be my first choice, but I'll come for the interview, which is supposed to be this week, but I'm still waiting for the call. "WAIT"..... that word seems to be central to my life right now. Aaaarrrgh.... can't wait to get everything settled.

One last thing..... everything is so damn expensive here compared to China!! I don't know why but money seems to just flow out really quickly, even if I'm not doing anything..... I need something flowing in.... fast!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Back in Business

Yep, finally I have arrived safely in Singapore about 3 hours ago hahaha. Business class was good..... I could get used to that hahahaha. First of all, the seat is spaciouos. How spacious? Well, let me put it this way... I have trouble reaching for the screen when I'm sitting upright wearing my seat belt. And the seat is fully adjustable to a full flat position.

At first I chose aisle seat (as always), but then when I sat down, turns out the passanger sitting beside me was carrying a 21 month child and was seated separated with her sister. So I offered the sister to swap seat with me. So in the end I got a window seat, but it was good because from NY-Frankfurt there was nobody sitting beside me. Afterwards, this 30 something business woman sat next to me and she didn't look friendly at all, so we didn't exchange a single word all journey long.

So, back to business class perks. The service was really different.... they always call everyone by their name. And the meals.... oh my God.... it was very different from economy class. Meals doesn't come in one tray, instead they use real china (ceramics), and every meal is like a 3/4 course meal, starting with salad and bread, main course, dessert (ice cream), fruit, drinks.....
Another difference is the headpohones.... way much better. This one are the huge ones, and with noise cancelling technology, so once you plug it in, it is very quiet. And they also provide better blankets and in-flight socks.

During the flight, I managed to watch quite a few things.... 2 episodes of Project Runway...... very good..... Heidi Klum really sets the bar for maternity clothing hahaha. I also watch a very funny episode of Will and Grace..... 2 episodes of Spongebob Squarepants, and a movie called "Step Up". It's basically a dance movie, kinda like Save The Last Dance and Center Stage. It was good.... nobody famous in it, but enjoyable, although some parts were completely irrelevant and can be cut. The music was good too..... very R&B.... maybe I'll download it later :)

Now I am quite sleepy but I hae to make it through today otherwise I'll never adjust to the time difference. Zzzzzz......

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Oops... I did it again!

(this is the 2nd part of a 2 part blog. it would be more interesting if you read the 1st part first haha)

When I was checking in to my flight, the guy in the counter explained to me that the situation is that the flight is overbooked and they were looking for 12 people to volunteer to stay back for 1 more day. And I think to myself.... well, I'm not in a hurry to go back... 1 more day of NY? Why not?
And... the most exciting thing is the perks that I get.... firstly, of course, they arranged accomodation for me at the Marriott airport hotel, with allowances for 3 meals :) Then I had some decisions to make.

First, I can either get a US$400 in cash or US$600 in Singapore Airlines voucher, which can be used for my next SIA purchase, valid for 1 year. Since I consider myself to travel quite a lot, I decided to get the voucher.

Second, for today's flight, I can either be on the same flight from Newark-Singapore non stop on economy class, and they will give me a voucher to upgrade my next flight to Raffless (business) class. Or the other choice is to fly from JFK, transitting in Frankfurt, then to Singapore, and use that upgrade voucher. I choose the latter, so here I am.... about to fly business class from New York-Frankfurt-Singapore. Yay!!!

So this morning I wake up quite late, ordered a full breakfast (2 eggs, hashbrown, bacon, muffin, juice, and tea) on room service, and just laze around till about 9. Then I decided to go to Manhattan (again.... I mean, what else is there to do?). But just as I was about to leave, guess what's on TV? It's "The Producers", the movie, and it just started. What a coincidence. So I watched it for a bit. But I really think that the Broadway musical is much better than the movie. There were a lot of big name stars in the movie (Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick as the 2 main characters, Roger Bart as the Carmengia (the gay character), Uma Thurman as Ulla, and... Will Ferrel as the German guy. They are big movie stars, all right, but they don't sing and dance as well as the broadway stars. So I didn't watch until the very end.

Then.... back on the shuttle bus to Manhattan. Once I arrive there, I didn't really know what to do, so I decided to go to Macy's once again since I can get a 11% discount. Oh yeah, great tip : if you ever plan on buying anything on any Macy's in the US, go to the customer service counter and you can get a "international savings card", 11% discount on top of any discount for everything except cosmetics, perfume and jewellery.
But when I was there I guess I have reached my shopping limit. I didn't really have any desire to browse and try things on. So I just walked around aimlessly in Manhattan, enjoying the environment. Then I went back to the hotel, took a nap, and then jumped on the minivan that picked me up to go to JFK airport.

The journey to JFK was quite a long one.... 1 hour plus. On the way here I get to see a part of NY that I've never seen..... Brooklyn. It was very different from Manhattan.... Brooklyn is more.... dark.... and dirty. It was just like in the movies. No wonder they say that Sex and The City didn't portray New York very well... it's all in Manhattan!

Then now I am in the lounge.... very nice lounge indeed. They have everything here.... cookies, chips, fruits, real hot food (fish, meatball, potatoes), and drinks..... Evian, fruit juices, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and alcohol. Yes, alcohol... beer, wines, and spirits. Uncle would be very happy here hahaha.

OK then, I guess that is long enough. I'll tell you all about business class experience later. I'm gonna grab some bananas now haha.

Can I get an encore?

Boys and girls, I am currently writing this blog from the Swiss Lounge (a Business Class Lounge) in JFK Airport, New York. How did all this happen? Well, let me take you back to the beginning of the journey, starting yesterday morning.

As I said before, my parents' flight is leaving 11.30am from Houston, but my flight doesn't leave until 4pm. But, knowing my father very well, we left for the airport at 7.30am and arrived there 8.15 in the morning, about 7 hours before my flight hahaha. And by 9+ they decided to just wait in the gate so that my brother can go home to his girl (she couldn't come because there was no space in the car). So after my brother left me, I decided to just check in my baggage (although it is stil very very early). When I did that, the airline offered me if I wanted to get in an earlier flight, but I have to pay US$25. So I think, why not? I would rather wait at Newark airport than Houston airport. And so by 10.50am I was already on the plane to New York. Then on the way suddenly I had an idea.... since I still have to wait till 11pm, then I would still have plenty of time to go to Manhattan once again!! And anyway my luggage was already checked in all the way through to Singapore so I don't have to pick it up again in New York. The only problem is that I left my winter jacket at my brother's place, because I didn't think that I would be needing it again. So I was only wearing a T-shirt and a light jacket. Nevertheless, I decided to brave the cold and after we landed at 3.30pm, I jumped on the shuttle bus and go to Manhattan.

Luckily, once I arrive there, turns out that New York is not really that cold. I was still fine wearing only that. Since I didn't realy have any objective, I just casually walked around from the Grand Central area to 5th Avenue, Rockafeller Center and Times Square, getting into shops just to feel the heater hahaha. Btw Times Square is not really as packed as before (Christmas time). Along the way, I encountered a street artist who uses spray paint to paint very good picture of NY skyline. It's a bit expensive, US$15, but I decided to buy one for memories sake. I'll post the picture later. Then I had dinner at..... yep, you guessed it right.... Pong Sri. Hahahaha.....

So at around 7.45pm I took the bus back to Newark airport, taking one last look (at least I think it was) at Manhattan skyline. Then, something else happened......

to be continued.....

Monday, January 01, 2007

Style : Nature vs Nurture

So today is New Year's Eve 2006. My dad has been sick with flu since yesterday, so he's been resting all day. And in the afternoon, since we didn't really have anything to do, I asked my brother to drop me and my parents to a shopping area near his place. I was wearing my casual outfit.... a Ben Sherman polo shirt (which I have worn many times before) and cargo pants. Then when we were browsing in a shop, there was an American guy with his girlfriend that suddenly came up to me and said "Dude, that's a nice shirt you're wearing.... where did you get it?". I couldn't help but smile and giggle for bit, and then I said "umm.... Australia?". Hahahaha.

Then I was thinking : Does this normally happen? Or is it just me? I mean, not few people has complimented me before for my sense of style. I really appreciate them, but sometimes I wonder how did I get to be this way? When I was little, I didn't care at all. I guess I started buying my own things since I left home for Singapore. But when I look at pictures back then, I still think "What the hell was I thinking??". But now, it just seems so natural to me. I don't know why but I'm good at shopping. I'm always able to find the good ones among so many stuff out there, even when I'm not shopping for myself. So, is it a natural thing or something that I learned and cultivated?

Anyway, all is good, except for my wallet. Style doesn't come cheap, if you know what I mean.

It's now officially 9.25pm Houston time. For New Year's Eve we only went for dinner at a restaurant that my brother picks (quite pricey..... fancy food and all). Then we went straight back home cos my father is still very very sick, so he and my mom are already asleep now. I'm now at the living room with my brother and his girl.... they're watching Pinocchio (starring Roberto Benigni) on DVD, which I think sucks big time. I'm sure there's other more interesting things on TV, but hey, I'm not the one who lives here.

OK then.... Happy New Year 2007 for everyone out there!!! Hope the New Year brings lots of good things in every aspects of life :)